Thursday 5 March 2009

Small Acts of Random Kindness

The other week I was in Waterstones, the bookshop, and was looking for a book in the Children's section for my son. I saw three teenagers (13 or 14years old) and one of them excitedly grabbed a book and said "Guantanamo Boy I really really want to read this" The boys get their money out to see if they have enough. I hear them totting their money up and they realise that they are just under. They start talking about the book again saying that "it's about being innocent until proved guilty" etc then another person walked up to them, and gave them some money.

The boys were elated. Lots of thank yous were given. The boys bought their book. Again more thank yous.

This to me sent out a really strong lesson, that helping strangers is a positive thing, because if you get helped, the chances are you in turn will go on to help others. I'm sure those boys will not forget this event, as it is unusual. Plus they get to read a book with a strong moral message.

But I for one thought it was a really positive thing to happen.

Have you ever done or witnessed a random act of kindness?

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